Thursday 21 July 2011

Another T-shirt

One of two bought from Wave Riding Vehicles in Virginia Beach, at the start of a road trip to Graceland in 1996(?).  

The nicer shirt I gave to a friend’s boyfriend who could actually surf. In 2000, my then-girlfriend and I went to Cornwall with them, and he tried to teach me to surf. In preparation, my girlfriend insisted on waxing my shoulders, so I looked sleek while clumsily nose-diving my board into the waves. But my skin reacted badly to the wax...

When we got to beach on Saturday morning, the boyfriend offered to lend me his fancy made-to-measure wetsuit. Stripping down by the car, I pulled off my T-shirt to reveal an angry lumpy rash engulfing every follicle on my back - about to be tightly pressed and rubbed into his prize wetsuit. His eyes widened slightly as he passed it to me.

Sadly, this was just an insult added to a perceived injury: both he and my then-girlfriend were convinced that his girlfriend and I were having an affair. We weren’t; but I did marry her.  

1 comment:

  1. You know, I think they're doing better than ever:
